Hear from those involved in the Step Into Work program
It has been our privilege to partner with the Step into Work program for the past six years. During that time dozens of women struggling with the impacts of extreme adversity in both childhood and adulthood have benefitted from the warmth, wisdom and practical support provided by the mentors and facilitators involved in the program.
Many women who thought themselves unqualified for the workforce have gone onto find fulfilling roles. Others have explored training and tertiary study, while others have commenced their own businesses. All have reported the primary benefit of the program as the immeasurable help provided in building confidence and self-esteem.
Thank you to all the inspirationally skilled and generous mentors from the Step into Work program.
Kerry Gwynne
Service Manager
Dalwood Spilstead Service
02 99510366 / 0422002232

The Step into Work program has been a great initiative for our diverse community. Most of our participants join the group and gradually develop the confidence and make the transition to step back into the workforce. The nature of the program, content and expert coaching supports participants to create a career and life they love. There are many successful stories that help us to continue this partnership, such as starting work or identifying their career strengths, creating a functional resume etc.
Binita Dhungel Ghimire
Integricare Parenting And Family Service Manager
89 Cameron Street, Rockdale, NSW 2216
E: sgfwmanager@integricare.org.au
P: (02) 95997821